Image for Carnelius Gilder 1

Carnelius Gilder 1

Carnelius Gilder 1

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“After a long period of searching and vetting, LINCspring is a long-awaited system that our district has needed. With the varying demands and needs of our staff, finally, a place where there is coaching, professional development, and differentiation for the adults! There is something for everyone. The mandated and the most wanted in one platform bring together a healthy balance that I know that my faculty and staff have awaited!”

Dr. Carnelius D. Gilder
West Sabine Independent School District (TX)

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“The partnership with LINC has been exceptional. Their coaches are among the best that we have worked with in the context of content, subject matter expertise, and blended learning. The LINCspring platform allowed our schools to deliver ongoing, personalized professional development at any time, and the school leaders have continued to benefit from LINC’s expertise in ensuring quality in each classroom.

I unequivocally recommend LINC for their expertise, their structure of supports, the digital online platform, and their ongoing guidance for leadership.”

Michael Conner
CEO/Founder of the Agile Evolutionary Group and former Superintendent of Schools in Middletown, CT.

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“Our staff really values their time. Time with family. Time to get things done. People are pressed for time more than ever. LINCspring allows us to free educators to do their professional development when and how they choose… Staff chooses what professional development will be most impactful to them and their students.”

Luke Hibbard
Director of Digital Curriculum
Stanislaus County Office of Education

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“Like many other districts, we were looking to empower our professional learners. What we were really trying to do was to create a culture of ongoing professional development that was exciting, that allowed teachers choice and voice. That’s exactly what we got within LINCspring. [Each person] can target specific areas that they would like to develop to become a more effective educator.”

Luke Hibbard
Director of Digital Curriculum
Stanislaus County Office of Education

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“LINCspring affords us the opportunity to customize professional development cycles for any one of the specialized programs we are using. At this point, we have created upwards of 32 custom cycles for our staff to engage with the program we use here at the County Office of Education.”

Luke Hibbard
Director of Digital Curriculum
Stanislaus County Office of Education

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“Our LINCspring coach has been wildly responsive to any needs that we have. She’s been with us, boots on the ground, during implementation to really help us maximize the impact we are able to get with LINCspring and seeing professional development growth within our staff.”

Luke Hibbard
Director of Digital Curriculum
Stanislaus County Office of Education

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“We have seen a shift in culture and that is a reflection of LINCspring and its impact on our staff. In professional development, we are able to individualize learning. That has translated to a more individualized approach with students.”

Luke Hibbard
Director of Digital Curriculum
Stanislaus County Office of Education

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“Just by completing our very first cycle in LINCspring, we are already seeing shifts in teaching which is going to create shifts in learning. I am very excited about where we’re headed next.”

Nancy Veatch
Assistant Superintendent
Evergreen Union Elementary School District

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“One teacher said, ‘The LINCspring coaches are amazing. They respond at any time to help support me and they get straight to the point, from a little thing like how to upload something all the way to how could I better increase agency.’ We see this as a really great expansion of our coaching that we’re able to provide for teachers through LINCspring.”

Nancy Veatch
Assistant Superintendent
Evergreen Union Elementary School District

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“The great thing about LINCspring is that there are coaches that are available online. I’m not always available; my other admin team members aren’t always available. But the LINC coaches are available. We have teachers who are logging into the system and they are beginning to explore, not only the cycle that we all worked on together but other cycles. What we’re finding is our staff feels supported.”

Nancy Veatch
Assistant Superintendent
Evergreen Union Elementary School District